About the school

Dear children, dear parents,

I would like to welcome you to the new Ecole des Révoires website, which is regularly updated to allow you to share in the life of our school. This website, which you are about to visit, reflects our school. You'll find practical information, useful documents and articles about life in the classroom and at school.

After more than 35 years at Les Révoires, I'm ending my contract as headmistress for what I hope will be a very pleasant retirement. I'll keep in my heart all the pupils, teachers and families I've met during this wonderful adventure.

At the start of this new school year, a new Head Teacher, the teachers and all the staff, all the school's partners and the whole of our educational community will be welcoming all the pupils with the greatest kindness, to enable them to embark proudly on their learning... We are relaunching the CM2/CP sponsorship project, which offers our older pupils the opportunity to share their knowledge of the school with the new CP pupils throughout the year.


Following the directives of the Direction de l'Action Sanitaire and thanks to the support of the Direction de l'Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, we follow all the recommendations of the Prince's Government to guarantee the health of our pupils and staff, under the watchful eye of our state-qualified nurse.

As part of our Eco-Ecole project, we have been awarded our 16th label by the Office Français de l'Education au Développement Durable (French Office for Education for Sustainable Development), thanks to our actions in favour of sustainable development and our loyal partners.



meuble compostage

With school staff signing up to the National Pact for Energy Transition, all pupils are invited, at their own level, to join in the fight against global warming alongside our partners in the Mission for Energy Transition, in order to help reduce our country's carbon footprint, so dear to Our Sovereign.




As is the case every year, the Public Buildings Maintenance Service is organising some of the work scheduled by the Direction de l'Education Nationale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, in particular the replacement of glazing on the ground floor façade and the installation of wall cupboards in the rooms on the 4th floor, as well as various other repairs.... The school's team of technical staff are doing their utmost to restore the building to its original state before the start of the new school year, and I would like to thank them warmly for their efforts.

Information about the school

Bullying - Violence

School rules

Charter of digital uses for pupils

Tour of the school


Intensive English Section

School staff